Do you feel busy? In fact, would you go on to state that you are constantly busy with little time for yourself or new projects?  Well, if your answer is yes then stop it.  Stop saying you are busy and stop being busy as there is a far better way to live life. Busy has accomplished very little in life, not even for the poster board busy bee.  If you asked a bee what it does, he wouldn’t say he is busy.  Rather, he would respond with saying he makes honey and pollenates the flowers of the world. So now its time for you to do the same.

The Business of What You Do

As the reader, there is no way one can say with certainty what it is that you do. Perhaps you are in the IT field doing all sorts of technical stuff.  Perhaps you are in the construction field building stuff. Maybe you are in fact in the management field watching other people do stuff. However, whatever stuff it is that you are into, if you were asked what you did, you wouldn’t respond with busy stuff.

So why would you constantly state you are busy? It’s a common belief that human language and spoken word is a powerful tool.  Consequently, your words matter.  So let us propose as a first step to stop stating your busy is make it a habit to state what you are doing.  Speak not of work, but of outcomes desired.  If your spouse calls you at work, don’t respond with stating you are busy.  State you can’t talk right now because I’m designing a skyscraper or you are revolutionizing communication for your company.  Be honest, but state what you are doing and feel the power that unleashes.

Shifting Priorities

The other side of busy comes from humans not taking on too much, but prioritizing too poorly.  You see, when you start the habit of stating the business of what you do, certain priorities become clearer.  Simply stating you are busy doesn’t provide the same opportunity as busy can mean a variety of things.  Are you updating the CEO on the future of your organization or are you reading about cats on the internet.  Both would could be justified as busy, but each has varying impacts.

Consequently, when you state what each outcome actually is then you have the ability to shift priorities at will with accuracy.  Imagine if you will a long train with various cars serving various function.  When you can clearly identify the utility of each, then you can simply lift and shift each car in its proper place. Consequently, rather than always existing in a state perpetual business, you can be accomplishing a series of outcomes in their natural order.  More over, you can do this all day long to include rest and recreation.  Busy?  No thanks. I think I’ll make some honey and pollinate a flower today says the bee.  What will you do today?

Written: January 2015